Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 1 #502

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The second chapter of J. Michael Straczynski's 2-part story arc following the monumental Amazing Spider-Man #500! Who's the new kid in Spidey's life?

Peter and MJ deal with a strangely familiar sarcastic waiter at a fancy restaurant. MJ tells Peter she wants to get back to her career. Peter agrees, then leaves to deal with a car thief. Meanwhile, tailor Leo Zelinsky gives Killshot his new uniform, over hearing a phone call that makes him think Killshot is going to assassinate the disctrict attorney. Mickey, Leo's grandson, asks why Leo isn't going to act on this knowledge. Leo explains that his business depends on his client's privacy. Nevertheless, Leo finds a non-client hero so he can relay the information without implicating himself, choosing Spider-Man, sho stops Killshot's assassination attempt. However, the gunman escapes to the tailor shop and threatens Leo and Mikey. Spider-Man follows and defeats him. Leo thanks Spider-Man by giving him a new costume design.