Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 1 #503

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Thor's ne'er-do-well brother Loki guest-stars in a 2-part story arc. In the aftermath of the inter-dimensional rift caused by Spider-Man & Doctor Strange's battle with Dormammu, a sorceress of limitless power is set free from years of captivity... and sets forth on a quest through Manhattan to properly thank the one responsible for it - Spider-Man!

As Morwen finally takes over Tess Black, her presence is felt accross the cosmos and Peter's spider-sense goes crazy. In Asgard, Loki uses his rune stones to communicate with Yggdrasill and determines the disturbance comes from Midgard. He sneaks past Heimdall and Volstagg on the Rainbow Bridge to go to New York. While chaing some gang members, Spider-Man is confronted by Morwen, who thanks him for freeing her. She offers him the world as thanks. He says he'll think about it and tries to contact Dr. Strange at the empty Sanctum Sanctorum. Loki brings Spidey to a warehouse and demands to know why Morwen is after him. Loki threatens to kill a passerby unless Spider-Man works with him. He agrees and Loki apologizes. Meanwhile, Morwen observes warring gangs and arms one side with advanced weapons. She reflects that all things come to an end, even the worlds itself.