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Batman Vol.1 #286


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The Joker’s Playground of Peril!”, script by Denny O’Neil, Julius Schwartz (plot assist), and E. Nelson Bridwell (plot assist), pencils by Irv Novick, inks by Bob Wiacek; The Joker breaks out of Arkham Asylum and shrinks and kills his psychiatrist with a strange liquid; Robin convenes with Batman and Commissioner Gordon beside the doll-sized corpse of Dr. Tugwell, who has written “RIP” in the sand beside him; Batman deduces the letters stand for Revelry In the Park, a costume charity carnival held in Paradise Playground, an amusement park, which he believes will be the site of the Joker’s next crime. And Now… Still Another Message Of Untold Importance From Our Prolific Publisher!! article by Jenette Kahn.


This issue contains the Hostess superhero ad “That Dirty Beach” featuring Aquaman

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