52 #10

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Week 10, Day 1.


Black Adam holds a meeting of his coalition, when he is interrupted by the lovely slave girl he was presented in Week 3. The girl runs up to Black Adam, revealing that her name is Adrianna Tomaz and that she thinks that he is nothing but a terrorist. Adrianna spits in Black Adam's face - "Not Wise."

Week 10, Day 2.


Perry White is chastising Clark Kent for not being able to get an interview with Supernova and letting the Daily Planet get scooped by the Star. White fires Clark for missing out on the Supernova story and for letting things slide for four weeks. Clark decides to fight for his job, and jumps out of the window in order to get an interview with Supernova - who teleports in and catches him seconds later.


Black Adam has a talk with Adrianna, and asks her why she is always running away. Adrianna says she refuses to be a prisoner, but Black Adam reveals that she is, instead a refugee. According to Black Adam, Adrianna's family was brutally slaughtered when she was taken, and her brother was sold into slavery. Black Adam tells Adrianna that she is free to leave, but instead of going she lectures him on the insanity of his ways. She says his coalition is psychotic, and that he won't save the world - only destroy it.

Week 10, Day 3.

Lois Lane yells at Clark Kent for throwing himself out of a window for an interview. Clark replies that she wrote the playbook on similar journalistic maneuvers. Clark reveals that he, as Superman, will be back but needs time for his powers to recharge. A cut on his face, and his need to use potholders show that his powers definitely need a boost.

Booster Gold wonders who is behind Supernova's mask, as his furniture and belongings are repossessed.

Week 10, Day 6.


T.O. Morrow reveals to Will Magnus that he's found a piece of Dr. Sivana's experiments. Morrow shows Magnus a bag with a little cocoon that had been treated with radiation, and both wonder what could have hatched from it.